Source code for _roster.netbox

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Load devices from `NetBox <>`__, and make
them available for salt-ssh or salt-sproxy (or any other program that doesn't
require (Proxy) Minions running).

Make sure that the following options are configured on the Master:

.. code-block:: yaml

      url: <NETBOX_URL>
      keyfile: </PATH/TO/NETBOX/KEY (OPTIONAL)>

If you want to pre-filter the devices, so it won't try to pull the whole
database available in NetBox, you can configure another key, ``filters``, under
``netbox``, e.g.,

.. code-block:: yaml

      url: <NETBOX_URL>
        site: <SITE>
        status: <STATUS>

.. hint::

    You can use any NetBox field as a filter.

.. important::

    In NetBox v2.6 the default view permissions changed, so ``salt-sproxy`` may
    not able to get the device list from NetBox by default.

    Add ``EXEMPT_VIEW_PERMISSIONS = ['*']`` to the ```` NetBox
    file to change this behavior.
    See for more
# Import Python libs
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging

    import pynetbox  # pylint: disable=unused-import

except ImportError:
    HAS_PYNETBOX = False

import salt.utils.args
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError

import salt_sproxy._roster

__virtualname__ = "netbox"

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

AUTH_ENDPOINTS = ("secrets",)

def __virtual__():
    if not HAS_PYNETBOX:
        return (False, "Please install pynetbox to be able to use the NetBox Roster")
    return __virtualname__

def _setval(key, val, dict_=None, delim=":"):
    Set a value under the dictionary hierarchy identified
    under the key. The target 'foo:bar:baz' returns the
    dictionary hierarchy {'foo': {'bar': {'baz': {}}}}.
    if not dict_:
        dict_ = {}
    prev_hier = dict_
    dict_hier = key.split(delim)
    for each in dict_hier[:-1]:
        if isinstance(each, str):
            if each not in prev_hier:
                prev_hier[each] = {}
            prev_hier = prev_hier[each]
            prev_hier[each] = [{}]
            prev_hier = prev_hier[each]
    prev_hier[dict_hier[-1]] = val
    return dict_

def _netbox_config():
    config = __opts__.get("netbox")
    if not config:
        raise CommandExecutionError(
            "NetBox configuration could not be found in the Master config"
    return config

def _nb_obj(auth_required=False):
    pynb_kwargs = {}
    nb_config = _netbox_config()
    pynb_kwargs["token"] = nb_config.get("token")
    if auth_required:
        pynb_kwargs["private_key_file"] = nb_config.get("keyfile")
    return pynetbox.api(nb_config.get("url"), **pynb_kwargs)

def _strip_url_field(input_dict):
    if "url" in input_dict.keys():
        del input_dict["url"]
    for k, v in input_dict.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
    return input_dict

def _netbox_filter(app, endpoint, **kwargs):
    Get a list of items from NetBox.

        String of netbox app, e.g., ``dcim``, ``circuits``, ``ipam``

        String of app endpoint, e.g., ``sites``, ``regions``, ``devices``

        Optional arguments that can be used to filter.
        All filter keywords are available in Netbox,
        which can be found by surfing to the corresponding API endpoint,
        and clicking Filters. e.g., ``role=router``

    Returns a list of dictionaries.
    ret = []
    nb = _nb_obj(auth_required=True if app in AUTH_ENDPOINTS else False)
    clean_kwargs = salt.utils.args.clean_kwargs(**kwargs)
    if not clean_kwargs:
        nb_query = getattr(getattr(nb, app), endpoint).all()
        nb_query = getattr(getattr(nb, app), endpoint).filter(**clean_kwargs)
    if nb_query:
        ret = [_strip_url_field(dict(i)) for i in nb_query]
    return ret

[docs]def targets(tgt, tgt_type="glob", **kwargs): """ Return the targets from NetBox. """ netbox_filters = __opts__.get("netbox", {}).get("filters", {}) netbox_filters.update(**kwargs) filtered = False if tgt_type == "list" or ( tgt_type == "glob" and not any([char in tgt for char in "*?[!"]) ): netbox_filters["name"] = tgt filtered = True elif tgt_type == "grain" and tgt.startswith("netbox:"): levels = tgt.split("netbox:")[1].split(":") if len(levels) > 2: netbox_filters[levels[0]] = _setval(":".join(levels[1:-1]), levels[-1]) filtered = True elif len(levels) == 2: netbox_filters[levels[0]] = levels[1] filtered = True log.debug("Querying NetBox with the following filters") log.debug(netbox_filters) netbox_devices = _netbox_filter("dcim", "devices", **netbox_filters) pool = { device["name"]: {"minion_opts": {"grains": {"netbox": device}}} for device in netbox_devices } if filtered: return pool pool = salt_sproxy._roster.load_cache( pool, __runner__, __opts__, tgt, tgt_type=tgt_type ) engine = salt_sproxy._roster.TGT_FUN[tgt_type] return engine(pool, tgt, opts=__opts__)